Solo Voice(s)                                                     and Instuments   (+/- electronics)

Miguel Azguime (ThS)inking Survival Kit *

Pierre Boulez Improvisation sur mallarme

Tan Dun Silk Road

Stefano Gervasoni PAS SI*

Gustav Holst Four Songs

Mauricio Kagel Kantrimuzik Rrrrrrr…

Philippe Leroux Voi (Rex)

Michele dall’Ongaro Grimoire

Alec Roth The Big Wash Cycle

Arnold Schoenberg Pierrot Lunaire

Franz Schubert The Shepherd on The Rock

Maxwell Steer Sonnets to Orpheus*

John Tavener Lamentation, Last Prayer and Exaltation

Judith Weir  The Consolations of Scholarship 

Karen Wimhurst  Dressing the Stone


Harrison Birtwistle Down by the Greenwood Side (Mrs. Green)

Andrew Lovett Abraham on Trial (Rosa) * Don’t breathe a word (Salieva)*

Michael Finnissy Shameful Vice*

Henry Purcell Fairy Queen (various)

Alejandro Viñao Rashomon the opera (Masago)*

Judith Weir A Night at the Chinese Opera (Mezzo Actor)* Scipio’s Dream* (Fortuna)

Solo Voice with Electronics

John Cage Song Books
Andrew Lovett Lonely Sits the City*
Eduardo Reck Miranda Requiem per una veu perduda
Isabel Soveral An Autumn Night’s Dream *
Alejandro Viñao Chicos del 21*
Baghdad Monologue *
Hildegard’s Dream*
Borges y el Espejo *
Chant d’ailleur *
Judith Weir I was born in a small village*

 Choral and Vocal Ensemble

S. Bach St John’s Passion

Morton Feldman   Three Voices

J. Haydn Creation Mass

Mauricio Kagel   Hallelujah

A. Mozart Mass in C Minor

Francis Poulenc   Gloria

Judith Weir Missa Del Cid, Heaven Ablaze In His Breast*

Karen Wimhurst Songs for the Falling Angel- A Requiem for Lockerbie* Blood Wedding

Solo Voice  

Thomas Ades   Aubade*

Paul Barker  Songs Between Words Kabara’s Lullaby

Judith Bingham   The Cathedral of Trees

Fabrizio Casti   Hai un Sangue, un respiro 111

Morton Feldman  Only

György Kurtág Einige Sätze aus den Sudelbüchern Georg Christoph Lichtenbergs

Enid Luff The Water-diviner

Buxton Orr The Knight and the Lady

Judith Weir King Harald’s Saga

Solo Voice and Piano 

John Cage   A Flower

Andrew Lovett  Three Poems by Miroslav Holub

Manuel de Falle   Siete Canciones Populares Espanolas

Kevin McCrae  The Hippopotamus Song

Claudio Monteverdi  Scherzi Musicali

Francis Poulenc   L’Histoire de Babar le petit elephant

Henry Purcell   many and various songs

John Tavener A Mini Song Cycle for Gina

Michael M. Steer Valentine Songs and Night Songs*

Traditional Scottish Songs