Electric Voice Theatre
Flowers of the Seasons – Two Flowers, One Stem: Feb 7th – April 4th 2023
Flowers of the Seasons – Two Flowers, One Stem was a project in collaboration with Conway Hall, featuring the work of composer Eliza Flower (1803–1846) and her sister, the poet, Sarah Flower Adams (1805 – 1848) who wrote the words of ‘Nearer My God To Thee’. Eliza’s beautiful music for the hymn is now unknown, quite possibly because of the scandal that ensued when she set up a separate household with her married guardian. The virtual choir performed this work and many more at our ZOOM CONCERT on April 4th 2023

Eliza was a prolific composer of vocal music including dramatic hymns, powerful protest songs, delightful songs for the seasons and the months, settings of contemporary writers like Sir Walter Scott and her frequent collaborator Harriet Martineau, and arrangements of tunes by Mozart, Bach, Handel and Beethoven. Find out more about this project here.
We had 8 Regular SESSIONS on Tuesdays from 6.30 – 7.30pm
- SESSION 1 – Tues Feb 7th
- SESSION 2 – Tues Feb 14th
- SESSION 3 – Tues Feb 21st
- SESSION 4 – Tues Feb 28th
- SESSION 5 – Tues March 7th
- SESSION 6 – Tues March 14th
- SESSION 7 – Tues March 21st
- SESSION 8 – Tues March 28th
- SPECIAL EVENTS: Sat April 1st, 2 – 4.30pm: Extra Rehearsal
- SPECIAL EVENT: Mon April 3rd, 6.30 – 8pm Dress Rehearsal for Zoom Concert
- SPECIAL EVENT: April 4th (rehearsal 6pm, Performance 7pm) “Flowers of Spring – Politics, Power & Poverty” ZOOM Concert with singers & BSL interpreter from ELECTRIC VOICE THEATRE.
PLENARY: Tues 25th April – Our final meeting until later in the year to discuss outcomes and possible future projects
The choir were able to access tracks, words & music for these sessions on this webpage as follows:
Vvvv Vvvv Virtual Choir
We can sing anything, from high to low
We can trip up a scale, and sound a mean arpeggio
We do turns and trills
We’re fast and slow, You never know
Cause we’re a
Vvvv Vvvv Virtual Choir – ELECTRIC VOICE THEATRE
Vvvv Vvvv Virtual Choir
“The Day-Labourer’s Song”
Practice & Recording Tracks & Words
“Winter – Promise”
Practice & Recording Tracks & Words
“Nearer My God to Thee”
Practice & Recording Tracks & Words
“Gathering of the Unions March and Song”
Practice & Recording Tracks, Word & Music Sheets
Catch Up Videos were available shortly after each session. Here is the 1st one which should give you an idea of how the sessions worked
Please visit the main Virtual Choir Page for more details
The VIRTUAL CHOIR has regular Tuesday sessions at 6.30pm and a number of special events. This project is now closed but we hope to begin an new one later this year.
You can catch up with missed sessions on videos below each week and download word sheets, music scores and sound files as they become available.

ELECTRIC VOICE THEATRE is an award winning contemporary music-theatre acappella ensemble, commissioning, creating, researching and performing vocal music by women composers for theatrical performance, participating in creative multi-disciplinary collaborations, and delivering workshops connecting children and adults to their local creative and cultural environment.